Ausstellungseröffnung „Die Mauer. 1961-2021“

Opening of the exhibition “The Wall. 1961-2021”

On October 10, 2021, the mayor of Hof Eva Döhla, the photographer and designer Alexander Kupsch, Anja Linnekugel from the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the district administrator of the district of Hof, Dr. Oliver Bär (from left to right) the open-air exhibition “The Wall. 1961-2021". The exhibition was organized by Alexander Kupsch in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education…

MM 2020 01 21 011

Day of German Unity on October 3rd, 2021

On the 31st anniversary of German unity on October 3rd, about 2000 people visited the village of Mödlareuth, of which about 1200 people took advantage of the offers of the German-German Museum Mödlareuth. The opening event was an ecumenical service in the center of the village, led by Dean Günter Saalfrank (Hof) and Deacon Christoph Braun (Plauen). The musical accompaniment was provided by…

MM 2020 01 21 011

October 03, 2021 – 31 years of German unity

Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth / October 03, 2021 - 31 years of German unity museum program (as of September 23, 2021) On the 31st anniversary of the reunification of the two German states on October 03, 2021, the Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth opened, on the occasion of the anniversary there are also special offers for visitors. The prelude is an ecumenical service with musical accompaniment by…

Moedlareuth Plan Erklarung LR Medien 20210812 121954 kl

Anniversary of “60 years of building the Wall in Berlin” – Minister of State a. D Dr Ludwig Spaenle and Director Rupert Grübl visit Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth

On the occasion of tomorrow's anniversary "60 years of building the Wall in Berlin" on August 13, 2021, Dr. Ludwig Spaenle, the Bavarian State Government Commissioner for Jewish Life and Against Anti-Semitism, for memory work and historical heritage, and Rupert Grübl, Director of the Bavarian State Center for Political Education, today the German-German Museum. The Bavarian State Center was appointed by District Administrator Dr. Olivier...

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The federal government, Bavaria and Thuringia are giving 12 million euros for a state-of-the-art border museum - against the downplaying of the SED dictatorship

Education Minister Piazolo, Federal Minister Grütters and State Chancellery Minister Hoff sign an agreement to expand the German-German Museum Mödlareuth BERLIN/MUNICH/ERFURT. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Free States of Bavaria and Thuringia will support the expansion of the Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth with a total of 12 million euros and thus bear the lion's share of the planned costs. In the future, the museum will show the history of the division of Germany…

MM 2021 07 15 061 e1626428034241

Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow visits Mödlareuth

On the occasion of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the building of the Wall, Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow visited the German-German Museum in Mödlareuth today. After a short hike on the patrol path along the former German-German border together with District Administrator Dr. Oliver Bär, district administrator Thomas Fügmann from the Saale-Orla district, Alexander Kätzel (mayor of the municipality of Töpen), Marcel Zapf (mayor of the city of Gefell) and…

MM 2020 01 21 011

Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow visits the German-German Museum in Mödlareuth on the occasion of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the building of the Wall

Tomorrow, Thursday, July 15, 2021, Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow will visit the former inner-German border region around Mödlareuth. After a short hike through the former Thuringian-Bavarian border area, the Prime Minister will take part in a meeting between schoolchildren and a contemporary witness. The hike will be led by the head of the German-German Museum, Robert Lebegern, and by members of the association…

Zweckverband Moedlareuth Baer Fuegmann 20210616 173110 3 kl e1624273872726

Mödlareuth bleibt beliebter Anziehungspunkt – Bericht von der 30. Sitzung der Verbandsversammlung des Zweckverbandes Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth

Das Deutsch-Deutsche Museum Mödlareuth blieb auch im Corona-Jahr 2020 ein beliebter Anziehungspunkt für Besucher. Das zeigte der Jahresbericht des Museumsleiters Robert Lebegern bei der 30. Sitzung der Verbandsversammlung des Zweckverbandes Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth. „Dass wir trotz des Lockdowns so viele Besucher hatten, unterstreicht ein weiteres Mal das große Interesse an unserem Museum und damit auch…