
Museum Mödlareuth

Memorial to the division of Germany

Memorial & Museum

As »Little Berlin«, Mödlareuth represented one of the best-known symbols of the division of Germany.

The former place of separation and division has now become a representative place for overcoming borders and a meeting place with the memorial site Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth.

Opening hours


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at


  • Adults 4 €
  • Reduced 3 €

    (Children from 7 years - pupils - students - pensioners - people with disabilities)

  • Groups (per person) 3 €

    (without guided tour / from 10 people)

educational offers

You can approach the historical place in many different ways.

We ask that you register for guided tours as early as possible. We recommend at least two weeks in advance.

Museum Mödlareuth

Impressions before the start of the construction work in 2022

News (only available in German)

News and announcements about the museum (German version only)

04. Feb


Nächste Versammlung des Zweckverbands Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth

Die Sitzung findet statt am Donnerstag, den 06.02.2025, um 14.00 Uhr, im Museumshauptgebäude in Mödlareuth (Mödlareuth Nr. 13, 95183 Töpen). ...

12. Dec


35-jähriges Jubiläum: Mödlareuth feiert seinen Mauerfall und geht mit VR neue Wege in der Erinnerungsarbeit

Ein historischer Moment: Am 9. Dezember 1989 feierten die Mödlareuther den Fall der Mauer, die ihr Dorf teilte. Vergangenen Montag ...