
Erinnerungsort Grenzturm Heinersgrün

The Heinersgrün border tower is one of the few remaining relics of GDR border security on the Saxon-Bavarian border. In 1978 it was put into operation as a command post for the GDR border troops and remained so until the border was opened in November 1989. In the years since reunification, the highly visible relic on the A72 had visibly fallen into disrepair. The Vogtlandkreis acquired the tower in 2019 and renovation work began in 2020. The tower is owned by the Vogtlandkreis and the memorial site is operated as a museum branch by the Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth.

Exkursion im Rahmen eines Schülerseminars

Opening hours

  • as part of extended tours, excursions and seminars
  • on certain historical and cultural anniversaries
  • next appointment (without prior registration):
Sonntag, der 11.08.202411.00 bis 15.30 Uhr

Access to the tower – not barrier-free

The border tower is located on the district road between Heinersgrün and Gutenfürst (K 7855/ Kammweg). There is a parking space available here for around four cars or a bus.

The path from the parking lot to the tower is paved for pedestrians, but is not barrier-free. The walk is about 300 m.

The tower with adjoining car shelter is fenced. There are 8 information boards and a seating area in the outdoor area.

There are no sanitary facilities available.

Accessibility of the tower

  • at public appointments or by appointment and accompanied
  • not barrier-free
  • auf eigene Gefahr